Friday, December 28, 2012


We cannot believe that time has flown by and December is almost over! Here are some of our pre-Christmas activities.  It was a relatively warm month in Denver but we did get a little bit of snow that allowed Katie to get bundled up and play outside!
 When she came inside her Dad introduced her to hot chocolate. She loved it of course!
Katie also loved to decorate the Christmas Tree. Robby bounced away while we decorated. It was a blast!
Robby really enjoyed seeing the lights.
It turned out pretty nicely!
In addition to Christmas prep, we've spent alot of time just hanging out as a family. It is always exciting when Nana and Poppy come down to visit.
Katie has turned into a very busy little girl. She spends alot of time looking at books and playing dress-up! Robby loves to watch her!
She always makes sure that everyone in the house participates in her dress-up activities.  Here she is in Mom's competitive swimming suit from college as as well as a variety of other accessories...
 She also loves to deck everyone out in headbands....including dogs!
 Robby was next....
Stay tuned for the Christmas post coming soon!