Sunday, March 6, 2011

11 Months!

We can't believe that Katie is almost one year old!  How fast time flies! The past couple of weeks have been special for Katie because she has spent a lot of time with Nana Kat and Poppy Paul. Nana Kat came down to take care of her on President's Day so Mom and Dad could go to work. They had a ball as usual!
 In between helping Dad on some "handy work" on the house, Poppy Paul does a lot of laughing with Katie. He specifically calls it her "duck" laugh. It's pretty cute!
Poppy Paul was especially entertained by Katie's huge "koosh". She had a "ball" playing with it!
Katie still spends a huge amount time standing at the windows....
But the big news is that she is now stable enough to use her walkers without support. She walks herself all around the first floor of the house!
She's also still loving to climb on anything she can find. Here I caught her climbing on a box. Luckily I caught her before she got herself into trouble!
Here are some final shots we took of Katie on her 11 month birthday.
 Her signature lip "pout"...
And a smile again!

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